These are some samples of the articles that we have edited. We are proud to have an effective contribution as a language editing center for these publications.
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A novel feature selection method for data mining tasks using hybrid Sine Cosine Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm
Impact Factor: 2.303 / Publisher: Springer

Algae extermination by a novel algicide (DMPAI) with low-dose and field experiment
Impact Factor: 5.1 / Publisher: Elsevier

Allelopathic Inhibition and Mechanism of Quercetin on Microcystis aeruginosa
Impact Factor: 4.5 / Publisher: MDPI

Arabic sign language recognition using Ada-Boosting based on a leap motion controller
Indexing: Scopus / Publisher: Springer

Beach classifications in response to south-west monsoon waves: A case study
Impact Factor: 0.553 / Publisher: National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR)

Chemotherapeutic Control of Gram-positive Infection in White Sea bream (Diplodus sargus, Linnaeus 1758) Broodstoc
Indexing: Scopus/ESCI
Publisher: Veterinary World

Comparative study of synthesis of cellulose propionate from different sources using NIS as a new catalyst
Impact Factor: 2.014
Publisher: Springer

Comprehensive assessment of benthic diatom (Amphora coffeaeformis) as a feed additive in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) diet
Impact Factor: 1.748 / Publisher: Wiley

COVID-19 from mysterious enemy to an environmental detection process: a critical review
Indexing: Scopus Q2/ Emerging Sources Citation Index
Publisher: Springer

COVID-19 in Human, Animal, and Environment: A Review
Impact Factor: 2.245 / Publisher: Frontiers

Cyberphysical systems in the smart city: challenges and future trends for strategic research – Book Chapter
Book Chapter
Publisher: Elsevier

Design, synthesis, and cytotoxic screening of novel azole derivatives on hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2 Cells)
Impact Factor: 4.831 / Publisher: Elsevier

Design, synthesis, and cytotoxicity screening of new synthesized imidazolidine‐2‐thiones as VEGFR‐2 enzyme inhibitors
Impact Factor: 2.59 / Publisher: Wiley

Ecofriendly Synthesis and Insecticidal Application of Copper Nanoparticles against the Storage Pest Tribolium castaneum
Impact Factor: 4.324 / Publisher: MDPI

Effect of burner-to-plate distance on heat transfer rate in a domestic stove using LPG
Impact Factor: 4.724
Publisher: Elsevier

Effects of Treatment with Sitagliptin on Hepatotoxicity Induced by Acetaminophen in Mice
Impact Factor: 1.214 / Publisher: Universidade de Sao Paulo

Empagliflozin alleviates neuronal apoptosis induced by cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury through HIF-1α/VEGF signaling pathway
Impact Factor: 2.93 / Publisher: Springer

Enhancing the Toxicity of Cypermethrin and Spinosad against Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) by Inhibition of Detoxification Enzymes
Impact Factor: 4.6 / Publisher: MDPI

Evaluation of evidence-based urinalysis reflex to culture criteria: Impact on reducing antimicrobial usage
Impact Factor: 12.073 / Publisher: Elsevier

Experimental and theoretical investigation of a new air gap membrane distillation module with a corrugated feed channel
Impact Factor: 7.183
Publisher: Elsevier

Genetic Polymorphism of Liver X Receptor Gene in Vitiligo: Does It Have an Association?
Impact Factor: 1.621 / Publisher: Wiley

Hybrid End-to-End VPN Security Approach for Smart IoT Objects
Impact Factor: 5.57
Publisher: Elsevier

Immunomodulatory and Antioxidative potentials of adipose-derived Mesenchymal stem cells isolated from breast versus abdominal tissue: a comparative study
Indexing: Scopus Q4 / Publisher: Springer

Improving Intrusion Detection System using Artificial Neural Network
Indexing: Scopus / Publisher: The Science and Information Organization

In Vitro Anticancer Evaluation of Some Synthesized 2H-Quinolinone and Halogenated 2H-Quinolinone Derivatives as Therapeutic Agents
Impact Factor: 2.049 / Publisher: Bentham Science

Macrofauna associated with a recently described bryozoan species in the Eastern Harbour of Alexandria, Egypt
Impact Factor: 1.709
Publisher: Τhe Hellenic Centre for Marine Research

Measurement of L X-ray production cross sections and relative intensities of some lanthanide compounds depending on the temperature
Impact Factor: 1.320
Publisher: De Gruyter

Microwave Irradiation Effects on Structural and Optical Investigations of Nanostructured Ge 25 Se 75 Glassy Films
Impact Factor: 0.725 / Publisher: Polska Akademia Nauk

Minimizing water consumption in oil palm sterilization using direct steaming: Effects of sterilization pressure and time
Impact Factor: 5.354
Publisher: Elsevier

Moment redistribution and flexural performance of RC continuous T-beams strengthened with NSM FRP or steel bars
Impact Factor: 1.839 / Publisher: Elsevier

Online Social Network Analysis for Cybersecurity Awareness – Book Chapter
Book Title: Recent Advances in Intelligent Systems and Smart Applications
Publisher: Springer

Optimal Management of Distribution Networks Regarding Reactive Power Generation
Conference: 2019 21st International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON)
Publisher: IEEE

Photocatalytic and biological activities of undoped and doped TiO2 prepared by Green method for water treatment
Impact Factor: 4.7
Publisher: Elsevier

Plexin-B2 in psoriasis; a clinical and immunohistochemical study
Indexing: Scopus
Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Poikilocytosis and tissue damage as negative impacts of tramadol on juvenile of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Impact Factor: 3.292 / Publisher: Elsevier

Productive Performance, Egg Quality, Nutrients Digestibility, and Physiological Response of Bovans Brown Hens Fed Various Dietary Inclusion Levels of Peppermint Oil
Impact Factor: 2.582 / Publisher: Elsevier

Protein tyrosine phosphatase nonreceptor type 22 gene polymorphism in alopecia areata: Does it have an association with disease severity?
Impact Factor: 1.621
Publisher: Wiley

Radiation Synthesis of Rapidly Self‐Healing Hydrogel Derived from Poly(acrylic acid) with Good Mechanical Strength
Impact Factor: 2.335 / Publisher: Wiley

Relationship between disease severity and fetuin-A levels in patients with psoriasis
Impact Factor: 2.712
Publisher: The Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists

Reproductive Toxicity and Recovery Associated With 4-Non-ylphenol Exposure in Juvenile African Catfish (Clarias garepinus)
Impact Factor: 4.755 / Publisher: Frontiers

Risk Perception and Occupational Accidents among a Group of Egyptian Construction Workers in a Construction Company in Cairo
Impact Factor: 2.649
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Role of identified bacterial consortium in treatment of Quhafa Wastewater Treatment Plant influent in Fayuom, Egypt
Impact Factor: 1.903
Publisher: Springer

Rosemary leaf powder–supplemented diet enhances performance, antioxidant properties, immune status, and resistance against bacterial diseases in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Impact Factor: 3.224
Publisher: Elsevier

Smad7 in psoriasis vulgaris patients: A clinical and immunohistochemical study
Impact Factor: 1.621
Publisher: Wiley

Structural; magnetic and catalytic properties of nanocrystalline Cu0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 synthesized by microwave combustion and ball milling methods
Impact Factor: 2.463 / Publisher: Elsevier

Synthesis of Dibenzofuran Derivatives Possessing Anticancer Activities: A Review
Indexing: ESCI
Publisher: the Egyptian Chemical Society

Synthesis, Characterization, and Anti-diabetic Activity of Some Novel Vanadium-Folate-Amino Acid Materials
Impact Factor: 4.082
Publisher: MDPI

Synthesis, Docking, Computational Studies, and Antimicrobial Evaluations of New Dipeptide Derivatives Based on Nicotinoylglycylglycine Hydrazide
Impact Factor: 3.267 / Publisher: MDPI

The antioxidative and immunity roles of chitosan nanoparticle and vitamin C-supplemented diets against imidacloprid toxicity on Oreochromis niloticus
Impact Factor: 3.224
Publisher: Elsevier

The effect of energy recovery device and feed flow rate on the energy efficiency of reverse osmosis process
Impact Factor: 3.35
Publisher: Elsevier

The Effect of Inclination Angle and Reynolds Number on the Performance of a Direct Contact Membrane Distillation (DCMD) Process
Impact Factor: 2.702
Publisher: MDPI

The Potentiality of Marine Macro-Algae as Bio-Fertilizers to Improve the Productivity and Salt Stress Tolerance of Canola (Brassica napus L.) Plants
Impact Factor: 2.603
Publisher: MDPI

Thermal analysis and enhanced visual technique for assessment of microplastics in fish from an Urban Harbor, Mediterranean Coast of Egypt
Impact Factor: 4.049 / Publisher: Elsevier

Tuning optical properties of thin films based on selenium tellurium
Impact Factor: 2.779 / Publisher: Elsevier

Vulnerability of tourism to climate change on the Mediterranean coastal area of El Hammam–EL Alamein, Egypt
Impact Factor: 4.08 / Publisher: Springer